Sip Clouds

1. Flooding waves knocked me over and I fell
2. to sand that sounded a found golden bell.
3. Its song was an opened net that caught me
4. sweeping spirit to shores of harmony.
5. Breathing slow, I took a sip of the air
6. and exhaled calming words heavy with care.
7. Drink from that which helps a peaceful heart float
8. because time’s a gift like sails on a boat.
9. Let this special sanctity you’re endowed
10. wash over you from sacred Heaven’s cloud.

One of my long-time hobbies has been writing poetry. For some (maybe a lot) just the word poetry is a big nope. A trip to the dentist might sound more exciting. You first need to have the desire to read it. Sometimes it takes time to decipher the meaning of seemingly nonsense words strung together. Sometimes they are pretty straight forward and a lot of times they are mostly meant for your personal interpretation. You might wonder about the purpose. For me, it’s another art form and creative outlet. Words are like paint to a writer’s paper. Sometimes I’m happy with what I write, sometimes not so much. Sometimes I can’t decipher how I feel about it. But, I’m taking a chance and putting it out there in hopes that someone might feel uplifted in some small way or at least smile. Beauty is, of course, a personal perspective and that’s the way it should always be.

Seemingly more complex days don’t always allow much time for reading/writing literary art. Is there still a place for poetry? A big part of my quest for calm is creating these peaceful avenues that I want to stroll down and spend time in. I enjoy using words to help create the lovely visual imagery I keep in my head. Putting them on paper allows me to see these thoughts that bring me calm.

Unlike dessert, rhyming is not required. Lots of different platforms have varying opinions on the matter. Wouldn’t it be cool if we all spoke naturally in rhyme? Maybe not, lol. Our family owns lots of children’s books, lots! After reading these aloud hundreds of times each, I don’t mind a little rhythm and melody to mix things up. Also, I like to think of writing a poem like a puzzle game. There’s a bit more than meets the eye. Can you find my pattern style, besides the rhyme? I’ve written a lot of these including a collection on calm from years past, but I’m just sharing a couple for now. I wrote this one specifically, attempting to describe what finding calm means to me. Here is my interpretation of the above poem line by line . . .

1. Sometimes life’s challenges can kick your butt
2. but when you’re lost, those experiences bring you awareness
3. to learn beautiful lessons that can rescue you and
4. bring your inner being to a place of peace.
5. When you slow down and cherish these lessons
6. you can live and speak of these experiences to share with others.
7. If you continue to seek out positivity
8. the precious time you’re given will be more meaningful and serve a purpose.
9. Embrace this powerful energy given to you by your creator
10. and let its presence be your guide from around and above.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. I feel so calm thinking about those days. The best days of my life. Both of my children are very creative, it’s no wonder they find calm in their lives… .doing what they love. They can find pease during this pandemic 😷..

    I find my calm in abstract painting. I find myself painting something each day. I finally look forward to each day.. My umbrella. Is huge. I can always find things to do, weather it be playing my harp or painting, looking at old pictures and taking me back to those joyful days when we as a family played together. I will always have those times to remember smiling. Life is good!

    1. I’m so glad you’ve found ways to create your own inner calm and can peacefully paint the night away under your super ginormous umbrella! Stay mellow my friend.☂️

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